Second Wine of Chateau D'Angludet, Cru Bourgeois Exceptionnel 產區 Wine Region: 法國波爾多瑪歌區 Margaux, Bordeaux, France 葡萄品種 Grape variety: 赤霞珠 Cabernet Sauvignon, 梅洛 Merlot, 小維鐸 Petit Verdot 陳年潛力 Cellar: 4-9 年/years (2020-2025) 釀造工藝 Vinification: 來自波爾多9大特等中級莊之一,酒莊D'Angludet的人氣副牌酒款,與瑪歌區另一列級名莊帕瑪莊同屬Sichel家族管理。該酒莊以釀造優質而具物值的佳釀著稱,出色品質可看齊傳統列級名莊出品。18個月法國橡木桶陳釀後,不經隔渣處理入瓶以保留最天然口味,展現圓潤、均衡的產區經典風格。 Second Wine of Chateau D'Angludet, one of the 9 Cru Bourgeois Exceptionnel in Bordeaux, and one of the properties of Sichel Family, co-owner of Chateau Palmer. The estate produces excellent wines under the Margaux appellation, which are often put on a par with a Grands Crus Classés in terms of quality. Matured 18 months in Franch oak, no filtration, it offers deliciously seductive aromas set off to their best advantage by its rounded, supple structure. 品酒筆記 Tasting Notes: 星級副牌名酒,波爾多特等中級莊之一,與名莊帕瑪同屬Sichel家族管理;18個月法國木桶蘊藏期,柔和、天鵝絨般的順滑口感;成熟深色莓果主導味蕾,濃郁果味伴隨和諧的悠長韻味Matured 18 months in Franch oak; a smooth, silky offering, excellent ripeness with pure black fruit flavors, admirable concentration and velvety finish