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Best's Bin No. 0 Shiraz 2017

  • Item: BES-01-6Z
  • Winery: Best’s


Red Wine   750 ml   

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酒莊 Winery: Best's Great Western

產區 Wine Region: 澳洲,維多利亞州 Australia, Victoria

葡萄品種 Grape variety:  Shiraz

陳年潛力 Cellar: 4-15 年/years (2021-2030)

酒度 Alcohol: 13.5% 

評分 Ratings: 
Wine Enthusiast 93
James Halliday 96
品酒筆記 Tasting Notes:

- 在法國橡木桶和大桶中熟化 17 個月(20% 新木桶)。
- 明亮的深紅色色調。 胡椒烤肉和肉桂等香氣,
- 酒體適中,口感柔順優雅,
- 有黑莓、黑李子和黑櫻桃水果、甘草和胡椒的味道。

- 這款酒濃郁而堅實,單寧中帶有令人愉悅的苦味。
- 味道悠長而美味。一個經典的Bin No. 0 ,陳年後飲用更佳。
- Matured for 17 months in French barriques and hogsheads (20% new). 
- Bright dark red hue. 
- Medium bodied with a supple, elegant feel, blackberry, dark plum and dark cherry fruit, liquorice, pepper. 
- Grilled peppercorns and cinnamon on the nose followed by succulent red fruits coat
The wine is intense and firm, with pleasant bitterness in the tannins.
- The flavours subside to a long and savoury finish. A classic Bin No. 0 that will drink well now with food, but will benefit from more time in bottle.

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